new research for Jacob Pedersen family

Startet af Terrie Jackson, 31 Dec 2011 - 04:22

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Terrie Jackson

Hello everyone....
Hope this 4th try at posting works.

My GGranfather Karl Nielsen Pedersen was born 4 Feb 1870 in Vadhoved, Hover Sogn, Ringkobing, Denmark to Jakob Pedersen (b1832 - d1881) and Maren Kristine Christensen (b1841 - 1879) both from Sandholts Lyndelse(?), Svendborg(?), Denmark. He was the 4th of 11 children. 6 children died in Denmark before the age of 10 and 1 about 15. Four remaining brother came to the USA starting in 1889-1896. I can't say for sure if all parish names/countries are correct, spelled right or correct order for parents.

I found records (in parenthesis) for these siblings....

1866-1834_Kristen Svendson (birth) died in the states
1867-1876_Peder Jensen (birth-death)
1869-1875_Mariane (birth-death)
1870-1944_Karl Nielsen (birth-confirmation) died in the states
1872-1901_Jens (birth) died in the states
1873-1888_Karen (birth-confirmation-death)
1874-1875_Ana (birth-death)
1874-1935_Anton (birth-confirmation) died in the states
1878-1888_Hans (birth) died in states?
1878-1878_Peder Jensen (death)
1879-1885_ Mariane

I can only pick out dates and names. Could someone translate for me what each column heading represents and the info within the columns for the person in attached file please. I saved the images I looked at but didn't think or really know what type of reference info I should have saved but I chose these option on the Church Books page;

Ringkobing, Hind, Hover 1854-1875 Opslag 10.
Is this the info I need save to get help or can I just attach each record to an email?
Maybe attach a record per person per post?

The info reference above has the record for Karl Nielsen Pedersen. I found most (if not all) using the same choices except the Opslag item. I haven't found anything on Karl's parents yet.

Appreciate your kind efforts to help me,
Terrie from Utah, USA

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]

Lynn Christiansen


It is best to ask for help one individual at a time and to reference a single document that you need help with by stating the year, Sogn, Herred and Amt, Opslag (image) and record number or name in a single thread.

Then help can be directed individual by individual.

The one you have attached is the sheet for a record for recording the Birth of a Male, there is a similar one for Females, Marriages, Deaths, Confirmations, Censuses, etc.

The LDS Church has a publication that gives the English translation of the Headings for the Danish forms used.

Column 1 is Record entry Number: Record 1
Column 2 is Year and Date of Birth: 1870 4th of February
Column 3 is the Full Name of the Child: Karl Nielsen Pedersen
Column 4 is the Christening/Baptism Date and whether it was performed in Church or at home: 27 February
Column 5 are the names of the Parents, their position in the community, occupation and location, age is often given for the mother: ??mand (occupation) Jakob Pedersen and his wife Maren Kirstine Pedersen, 20 years old, (living at, possible street name) Nadhooed
Column 6  generally contains the names of Witnesses and other information pertaining to them: Jens Kristian Lauridsen from Hover samt Kund Kristensen, Niels Kristensen, Karen Margarethe Kristensen and Karen Marie Kristensen (all) from Brejninge, all from Bondestand
Column 7 if a cross reference index has been generated it often consists of the page and entry number for the named child (often this was not performed): seite (page) 53 No 148
Column 8 is a Remarks column: no remarks given

I have given you the best I can read and determine, others may be able to give you a more exact Danish Transcription and English translation.

This forum can provide assistance with a multitude of questions. I have found it very helpful in my research of my Danish ancestors.


Lynn from Idaho
Research Areas: Thisted, Aarhus, Viborg

Ralph Rasmussen

Along the line of Lynn's reply, here are the headings for marriages:

Col. 1: Number (and perhaps year)
Col. 2: Grooms name, age, occupation and lodging
Col. 3: Brides ditto
Col. 4: Sponsors/guarantors/witnesses
Col. 5: Wedding date
Col. 6: Wedding in the church, or with official permission at a home
Col. 7: Indexing
Col. 8: Remarks, often dates banns were read

Ideally the date of smallpox vaccination is noted in column 8 or columns 2 & 3.  When it is included in a wedding and a confirmation record, a good way to ascertain that you have the right person.

'Med venlig hilsen'
Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Terrie Jackson

Thanks Lynn for your helpful info. Concerning column 6, witnesses could be anyone meaning family, neighbors, parish members for the birth and/or entry of the record?

Thank you Ralph for marriage column info. In this immediate family no marriages occured in Denmark as most died too young or went to the states but I have others to search for. That is, if I familiarize my self with Danish words for American words.

Kind regards to both,

Ralph Rasmussen

The parents married Hover 1854-1875, opslag 33, #1 for 1865.

Maren Kirstine Christensen/Kristensen baptized Hover 1840-1854, opslag 9, #4 of 1841. Her parents in Vaadhoved Christen Svendsen and Marianne Knudsdatter.

I used Dansk Demografisk Database to find the mother's birth parish, which is generally also the parish in which she is married.

The 1845 census is the earliest with birth parishes, and should give direction in searching in turn for he parents.  The same logic should find the birth of Jacob Pedersen.

Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Lissa Pedersen

You have the family in the 1870 census here:

ringkoebing, Hind, Hover, Toustrup, , Vadhoved, 2, FT-1870
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Jakob Pedersen 36  Gift Huusfader Stampe og kartoffelmøller Skjern sogn, Ringkj. amt
Maren Kirstine Kristensen 28  Gift Huusmoder  Hover sogn, Ringkj. amt
Kristen Svendsen Pedersen 4  Ugift Søn  Hover sogn, Ringkj. amt
Peder Jensen Pedersen 2  Ugift Søn  Hover sogn, Ringkj. amt
Mariane Pedersen 1  Ugift Datter  Hover sogn, Ringkj. amt
Laust Kristensen Grønborg 19  Ugift Tyende  (servant) Hertugdømmet Slesvig
Karen Marie Kristensen 18  Ugift Tyende  Breining sogn, Ringkj. amt
Maren Jensdatter 85  Enke (widow) Aftægtskone (pensioner) Thorsted sogn
Jens Jørgen Jensen 45  Gift Huusfader Huusmand, dagleier Hee sogn, Ringkj. amt

And Maren Kirstine is here with her parents and siblings in 1845:

ringkoebing, Hind, Hover, Hover Sogn, , Vandhoved, et Hus, 26, FT-1845
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Christen Svendsen 32  Gift  Husmand, lever af sit Jordlod. her i Sognet
Mariane Knudsdatter 37  Gift  hans Kone Ølstrup Sogn, Ringkøbing Amt
Svend Christensen 9  Ugift  deres Barn her i Sognet
Niels Christensen 7  Ugift  deres Barn her i Sognet
Maren Kirstine Christensen 4  Ugift  deres Barn her i Sognet
Maren Jensdatter 61  Enke(mand)  Husfaderens Moder, der af ham forsørges. Thorsted Sogn, Ringkøbing Amt
Jens Svendsen 23  Ugift  Tjenestekarl, Husfaderens Broder. her i Sognet
Ane Svendsdatter 29  Ugift  Væverske, Husfaderens Søster. her i Sognet
Johanne Svendsdatter 21  Ugift  I Væverlære, Husfaderens Søster. her i Sognet


Ralph Rasmussen

Going with the age in the marriage record and the birth parish in the census, Jacob Pedersen must be in Skjern 1828-1852, opslag 7 #6.  Opslag 95, # 4 of 1847 is the confirmation, with the same vaccination data and parents as in the marriage.

Birth date is given as May 24, 1832, and parents as Peder Jensen and Karen Nielsdatter.

Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Lissa Pedersen

The family is here in 1850:

ringkoebing, Hind, Hover, Vaadhoved, , Et huus, 32, FT-1850
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Christen Svendsen 37  Gift  Huusmand, huusfader Her i sognet
Mariane Knudsdatter 42  Gift  Hans kone Ølstrup sogn, Ringkjøb. amt
Svend Christensen 14  Ugift  Deres børn Her i sognet
Niels Christensen 12  Ugift  Deres børn Her i sognet
Maren Kirstine Christensen 9  Ugift  Deres børn Her i sognet
Ane Christensen 5  Ugift  Deres børn Her i sognet
Nielsine Marie Hede Christensen 2  Ugift  Deres børn Her i sognet
Maren Jensdatter 66  Enke  Huusfaders moder, der af ham forsørges Thorsted sogn, Ringkjøb. amt
Johanne Svendsdatter 26  Ugift  Hendes datter, væverske Her i sognet
Anders Andersen 37  Fraskilt  Tjenestekarl Ølstrup sogn, Ringk. amt

And in 1855:

ringkoebing, Hind, Hover, Toustrup bye, , Et huus, Vaadhoved, 24.1, FT-1855
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Christen Svendsen 42  Gift Huusmand, lever af sin jordlod  Her i sognet
Mariane Knudsdatter 47  Gift Hans kone  Ølstrup sogn, Ringkjøb. amt
Maren Kirstine Christensen 14  Ugift Deres børn  Her i sognet
Nielsine Marie Hede Christensen 7  Ugift Deres børn  Her i sognet
Knud Christensen 5  Ugift Deres børn  Her i sognet
Maren Jensdatter 72  Ugift Huusfaders moder, der af ham forsørges  Thorsted sogn, Ringkjøb. amt

And in 1860:

ringkoebing, Hind, Hover, Toustrup by, , Et huus, Vaadhoved, 26, FT-1860
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Christen Svendsen 47  Gift Huusmand, huusfader, smed valkemøllen  Her i sognet
Mariane Knudsdatter 52  Gift Hans kone  Ølstrup sogn, Ringk. amt
Svend Christensen 24  Ugift Deres børn  Her i sognet
Nielsine Marie Hede Christensen 12  Ugift Deres børn  Her i sognet
Knud Christensen 10  Ugift Deres børn  Her i sognet
Jens Svendsen 39  Ugift Tjenestekarl  Her i sognet
Maren Jensdatter 76  Enke Huusfaderens moder, der af ham forsørges  Thorsted sogn, Ringk. amt
Niels Jensen Hede 78  Enkemand Pensioneret skolelærer  Thorsted sogn, Ringk. amt

And in 1870:

ringkoebing, Bølling, Brejning, Odderbæk, , , 1, et hus, FT-1870
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Christen Svendsen 55  Gift Husfader Jordbruger Hover sogn, Ringkb. A.
Mariane Knudsdatter 60  Gift Husmoder  Ølstrup sogn, Ringkb. A,
Niels Christensen 31  Gift Søn  Hover sogn, Ringkb. A.
Karen Margrethe Christensen 27  Gift Sviger datter  He sogn, Ringkb. A.
Knud Christensen 19  Ugift Søn  Hover sogn, Ringkb. A.

And the parents here in 1880:

ringkoebing, Bølling, Brejning, Vesterbek By, , en Gaard, Oddenbæk, 19 F1, FT-1880
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Kresten Svendsen 66  Gift Aftægtsmand  Hover Sogn, Ringkjøbing Amt
Mariane Knudsdatter 72  Gift hans Hustru  Ølstrup Sogn, Ringkjøbing Amt


Lissa Pedersen

Also here in 1840:

ringkoebing, Hind, Hover, Hover, , Thoustrup, et Hus, Vandspand, 28, FT-1840
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Christen Svendsen 27  Gift  Husmand, lever af sit Jordlod.  
Mariane Knudsdatter 32  Gift  hans Kone  
Svend Christensen 4  Ugift  deres Barn  
Niels Christensen 2  Ugift  deres Barn  
Knud Christensen 1  Ugift  deres Barn  
Jens Svendsen 19  Ugift  Husfaderens Broder, faar ingen Løn.  
Ane Svendsdatter 24  Ugift  Husfaderens Søster, faar ingen Løn.  
Maren Jensdatter 56  Enke(mand)  Husfaderens Moder, Aftægtskone.  
Else Ane Marie Simonsdatter 14  Ugift  Tjenestepige

And Christen could be here in 1834 as a servant:

ringkoebing, Hind, Hover, Hover, , Molberg By, en Gaard, 33, FT-1834
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Hans Andersen 39  Gift  Gaatdmand  
Kirsten Jeppesdatter 46  Gift  hans Kone  
Anders Hansen 7  Ugift  deres Barn  
Anders Christian Hansen 3  Ugift  deres Barn  
Mette Hansdatter 9  Ugift  deres Barn  
Katrine Christensdatter 75  Enke(mand)  Husmoders Moder, Aftægtskone  
Mette Christensdatter 89  Enke(mand)  Husmoders Moster, Aftægtskone  
Christen Svendsen 22  Ugift  Tjenestekarl  
Elisabeth Andersdatter 18  Ugift  Tjenestepige

Mariane Knudsen/Knudsdatter could be here as a servant:

ringkoebing, Bølling, Ølstrup, Ølstrup, , Nørre Brostrup, en Gaard, 17, FT-1834
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Niels Madsen 56  Gift  Gaardmand 
Maren Nielsdatter 58  Gift  hans Kone 
Ebbe Knudsen 20  Ugift  Tjenestekarl 
Mariane Knudsdatter 27  Ugift  Tjenestepige 
Ane Svendsdatter 18  Ugift  Tjenestepige


Terrie Jackson

I'm overwhelmed by the responses I see here. I haven't read through it all yet. I may have questions for you all afterwards.

I did go to the opslags that Ralph referenced to see those items, which I found and saved. Will ask for translation of some columns...wait...maybe he already gave that info to me. Will reread.

I tried to find Jakob Pedersen info (I think it was birth) and couldn't but will try researching again.

I have put together (still working on it) a genealogy website here...

and here is a story...

about Karl Pedersen's life written by my 78 yr. old cousin who's trying to help me as much as he can remember about his Grandfather Karl. It does make some reference to Jakob/Maren Pedersen. I'm anxious to read info you people posted here to see how much coincides with this story.

Thank you all so much for you selfless time,

Lissa Pedersen

You will find the deaths of:

Jakob Pedersen in Hanning parish (Bølling, Ringkøbing) d. 12 Aug 1881 - image 73 (1881-1891)


Maren Kirstine Kristensen in Vorgod parish (Bølling, Ringkøbing) d. 7 June 1879 - image 279 (1877-1891)


Lissa Pedersen

You will find Jakob Pedersen in the 1880 census here:

ringkoebing, Bølling, Vorgod, Solsøhede By, , et Hus, 179, FT-1880
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Søren Nielsen 50  Gift Husfader, [lever] af sin Jordlod  Vorgod Sogn, Ringkjøbing Amt
Karen Nielsen født Kristensen 42  Gift hans Hustru  Deibjerg Sogn, [Ringkjøbing Amt]
Anton Kristian Nielsen 17  Ugift deres Barn  Vorgod Sogn, Ringkjøbing Amt
Sjarlotte [Charlotte] Helene Nielsen 14  Ugift deres Barn  Vorgod Sogn, Ringkjøbing Amt
Kirsten Nielsen 12  Ugift deres Barn  Vorgod Sogn, Ringkjøbing Amt
Ane Kathrine Nielsen 9  Ugift deres Barn  Vorgod Sogn, Ringkjøbing Amt
Jens Laurids Nielsen 6  Ugift deres Barn  Vorgod Sogn, Ringkjøbing Amt
Jakob Pedersen 47  Enkemand (widower) Steenhuger (= stenhugger) (stonemason) Skjerren [Skjern] Sogn, [Ringkjøbong Amt]


I suppose you have seen what Ralph wrote about Jakob's birth:

Going with the age in the marriage record and the birth parish in the census, Jacob Pedersen must be in Skjern 1828-1852, opslag 7 #6.  Opslag 95, # 4 of 1847 is the confirmation, with the same vaccination data and parents as in the marriage.

Birth date is given as May 24, 1832, and parents as Peder Jensen and Karen Nielsdatter.

Jakob was bapt. at home on 27 May and in the church (I think) 8 June

Peder Jensen smallholder in
Wraae (now = Vrå) and wife
Karen Nielsdatter

Mikkel Nielsen Wraae and wife
Karen Jensdatter, Ædel (perhaps Edel or Adel?) (she is Ædel in the 1834 census)
Jensdatter, and Søren Jensen
all of Skjern parish

Lissa Pedersen

Jakob Pedersen is here with parents etc. in 1834:

ringkoebing, Bølling, Bølling, Brink, , Et huus, 15, FT-1834
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Peder Jensen 36  Gift  Huusmand (smallholder) og dagleier  (laborer)
Karen Nielsdatter 28  Gift  Hans kone  
Niels Pedersen 11  Ugift  Deres børn  
Abelonne Katrine Pedersdatter 9  Ugift  Deres børn  
Ane Pedersdatter 6  Ugift  Deres børn  
Jens Pedersen 4  Ugift  Deres børn  
Jackob Pedersen 2  Ugift  Deres børn  
Else Jørgensdatter 69  Enke  Almislem

And the family is here in 1840 - I only add part of the census:

ringkoebing, Bølling, Skjern, Wraae, , Et huus, , FT-1840
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Karen Nielsdatter 35  Gift  Nyder almisse (being supported), hendes mand tjener i Sjeland  (her husband is working on Sealand (in Danish Sjælland) the largest island in Denmark)
Ane Pedersdatter 13  Ugift  Deres børn  
Jens Pedersen 10  Ugift  Deres børn  
Jacob Pedersen 8  Ugift  Deres børn  
Bodil Pedersdatter 6  Ugift  Deres børn  
Maren Pedersdatter 1  Ugift  Deres børn

The family is here in 1845:

ringkoebing, Bølling, Skjern, Vraae bye, , 29, Et huus, 51, FT-1845
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Peder Jensen 44  Gift  Huusmand og dagleier Lemvig
Karen Nielsdatter 39  Gift  Hans kone Her i sognet [Skjern Sogn, Ringkjøbing amt]
Jacob Pedersen 13  -  Deres børn Do [Skjern Sogn, Ringkjøbing amt]
Bodil Pedersdatter 11  -  Deres børn Bølling Sogn, Ringkjøbing amt
Maren Pedersdatter 6  -  Deres børn Her i sognet [Skjern Sogn, Ringkjøbing amt]

Jakob is here in 1850 - working at the mill:

ringkoebing, Bølling, Skjern, [Vraae Bye], , 1, En møllegaard (farm with a mill), 75, FT-1850
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Hans Ebbesen 25  Gift  Gaardmand, huusfader, møller Her i sognet [Skjern]
Ane Karthrine [Ane Karthrine Christensen !!] 28  Gift  Hans kone Do [Skjern]
Mads Hansen 26  Ugift  Betjente ved møllen Nørre Farup, Riverhuus Amt
Jacob Pedersen 18  Ugift  Betjente ved møllen (the mill) Her i sognet [Skjern]
Jens Lauridsen 21  Ugift  Tjenestefolk Bølling, Ringkjøbing Amt
Mariane Nielsdatter 25  Ugift  Tjenestefolk Deiberg, Ringkjøbing Amt
Zidsel Christensdatter 24  Ugift  Tjenestefolk Do [Deiberg, Ringkjøbing Amt]
Ebbe Nielsen 67  Gift  Møllerens forældre, af ham forsørges Egvad, Ringkjøbing Amt
Ane Maria Hansdatter 59  Gift  Møllerens forældre, af ham forsørges Odum [Aadum sogn], Ringkjøbing Amt
Karen Ebbesdatter 20  Ugift  Møllerens syster, pleier dem Her i sognet [Skjern]

Peder and Karen are here:

ringkoebing, Bølling, Skjern, Vraae By, , 8, Et huus, 82, FT-1850
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Peder Jensen 50  Gift  Huusmand, dagleier Do [Skjern] [Lemvig sogn !!]
Karen Nielsdatter 44  Gift  Hans kone, nyder almisse Do [Skjern]
Jes Pedersen!! 5  Ugift  Deres børn, nyder almisse Do [Skjern]
Jens Pedersen!! 3  Ugift  Deres børn, nyder almisse Do [Skjern]

And they are here:

ringkoebing, Bølling, Skjern, Marup og Vraa Skoledistrikt, Vraa By, , et huus, 76, FT-1855
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Peder Jensen 55  Gift Huusmand, daglejer  Her i Sognet [Skjern]
Karen Nielsdatter 49  Gift Hans Kone  Her i Sognet [Skjern]
Jens Jensen!! 8  Ugift deres søn  Her i Sognet [Skjern]

And here:

ringkoebing, Bølling, Skjern, Skjern skoledistrikt, Vraa By, , et huus, 28, FT-1860
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Peder Jensen 60  Gift Reebslager (rope maker), huusfader  Lemvig
Karen Nielsdatter 54  Gift Hans Kone  Her i Sognet [Skjern]
Jens Pedersen 13  Ugift deres barn  Her i Sognet [Skjern]
Karen Nielsen 4  Ugift deres datterdatter  (granddaughter) Fredericia


Lissa Pedersen

Could be that I have found the wedding of Peder Jensen and Karen Nielsdatter:

Married 19 Nov 1824 in Skjern parish bachelor Peder Jensen of Marup, 22 yrs old, and Karen Nielsdatter, 17 yrs old of Wraae (Vrå) - image 67 (1813-1827).


Terrie Jackson

Hi Lissa,
Thanks for all the things you have looked up for me. I appreciate it.

I looked at this marriage record
1813-1827, Skjern, Bolling, Ringkobing Opslag 67 2nd entry under 1924
for Peder Jensen and Karen Nielsdatter that you have referenced.

You have the marriage date as 19 Nov 1824. I thought I read the date as the 19 April 1824.
Seeing how I'm pretty new at getting these files, I may have done something wrong.

Can you recheck for me? 

Paul Londahl-Smidt

Hi Terrie,

It is 19 Apr.


Terrie Jackson

Thanks Paul for responding. Appreciate it very much.


Lissa Pedersen