Translation please

Startet af David Møller, 18 Nov 2010 - 06:08

Forrige emne - Næste emne

David Møller

Vor Frue Kirke 1849-1854 female births opslag 253 No. 38.

Clara Maria Møller 4th Feb 1853. The information in columns 5 and 6 I just cannot read nor understand.

Would somebody translate this for me please?

Mange tak



Asger Berg

Hi David,

In Danish, the parents:
Ugivt Fruentimmer
Thora Møller,
112 Kattesundet,
Som Barnefader an-
gaves Styrmand
Hans Møller

In English:
Unmarried woman
Thora Møller,
112 Kattesundet (the address i Copenhagen),
As the child's father
was given First Mate
Hans Møller

The godmother/-fathers:
Moderen, Captainerne Steiness, Pa-(?)
steur, Contoirist Ringsted.

The mother, captains Steiness (and)
Pasteur, clerk Ringsted

Med venlig hilsen
Asger Berg

Hillerød Lokalhistoriske Forening

David Møller