Hoping to find Niels Thorkildsen, VesterAlling

Startet af Karin Tofte Rosenstrom, 18 Maj 2012 - 20:56

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Karin Tofte Rosenstrom

The earliest I can locate Niels Thorkildsen 29, is when he married Birthe Marie Jensdatter 23,  August 31, 1817, Vester Alling.
In 1834 they lived at "gaard nr 18" VesterAlling. She passed away March 27,1839.
In 1840 he lived at the same place with Maren Jorgensdatter
He passed away at age 79, on April 23, 1867, VesterAlling mars.

Can anyone pls help me find out where he was born and who his parents were?

Paul Londahl-Smidt

Hi Karin,

Here is your ancestor in the 1845 census.  It says he was born in Lihme, Randers but it must be Lime, Sønderhald, Randers.  I will look in that church record for his birth there.

All persons in the household

Randers, Sønderhald, Vester Alling, Westeralling Udflyttere, , En gaard, 16, FT-1845
Name:    Age:    Marital status:    Occupation in household:    Occupation:    Birth place:
Niels Terkildsen   58    Gift      Gaardmand   Lihme sogn Randers amt
Maren Jørgensdatter   42    Gift      Hans kone   Fausing sogn Randers amt
Knud Nielsen   18    Ugift      Deres børn   Heri sognet
Niels Nielsen   11    Ugift      Deres børn   Heri sognet

His baptism was on 20 Jan 1788 in Lime, Sønderhald, Randers, opslag 45.  I know is father's first name is Terkild and I think his patronym is Nielsen, but I am not sure.  Here is Terkild Nielsen in the 1787 census.

All persons in the household

Randers, Sønderhald, Lime, Limmen, , , 12, FT-1787
Name:    Age:    Marital status:    Occupation in household:    Occupation:    Birth place:
Terkild Nielsen   36    Gift   mand   bonde og husmand   
Maren Kristensdatter   42    Gift   kone      
Maren Jensdatter   5    Ugift   datter af 1. ægteskab      
Anne Marie Nielsdatter   35    Ugift   mandens søster      

and in the 1801 census

All persons in the household

Randers, Sønderhald, Skørring, Andie By, , , 12, FT-1801
Name:    Age:    Marital status:    Occupation in household:    Occupation:    Birth place:
Terkild Nielsen   52    Gift   Mand   Husmand uden jord, snedker og tømmermand   
Maren Christensdatter   56    Gift   Hans kone      
Christen Terkildsen   11    Ugift   Deres søn


Karin Tofte Rosenstrom

Hi Paul,

I am so impressed - I have been searching for weeks, without any luck. Can't believe how they changed names and/or switch the names around - that makes it really hard.

Thank you so much! :)

Karin Tofte Rosenstrom

Hi Lissa,

I'm just so estatic - you have helped locate my ancestors back to the early 1600's, which i din't think would be possible.

Thank you soooo... much