I need help with finding my danish ancestors

Startet af Felicia Christensen, 09 Nov 2015 - 00:18

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Felicia Christensen

Hi! Since I am from Sweden my Danish is not very good, thus I will be writing in English (hopefully that's alright). I have a danish grandfather, who I have been trying to convince giving me information about his parent/grandparents and so forth, without any luck (he suffers from dementia). Now, after five months of searching for his grandparents, I have almost given up. It is extremely difficult to find information, especially since they are Danish, and I am not very familiar with "danish way" of registration of population.

The only type of information I have been able to find in my grandfathers house is that his fathers name was Willy Christensen. I have been searching like a maniac, but with no success. I cannot find him anywhere. Willy's parents, however, I have been able to find some type of information about. His fathers name was Ferdinand (Martin) Christensen, born somewhere in Aalborg 31/10-1834 or 1836. The mothers name was Ethalia Olivia (or Alvia) Nielsen, born in Copenhagen (I am not sure about this) in 20/1-1845. I have also been able to find information about their wedding, which took place in Viborg 7th of November 1865... Most of this information I have recieved from Ancestry, which in my opinion does not work well with searching for ancestors outside of Sweden. Then I have also been trying to use the online danish Rigsarkivet, without much luck. The only information I have been able to recieve from there is pretty much what I already know.

So... now to my question. Where on earth do I go from here!? Is there some kind of way that could more easily help me in my search for my danish ancestors?  ???

Ralph Rasmussen

The wedding Transcribed: 

#19 Skomagermester Mar-
tin Ferdinand Chri-
stensen af Aalborg
f. 31 Octbr 1836, vac[cineret] 4de
Mai 1837 af Van Deurs

Pigen Ethalia Oli
via Nielsen af Vi-
borg f. 20 Janv. 1845
vac 17 Sepybr 1850 af Hauer?
i Klesme?

Skom P.C. Møller, Guldsmed P. Molberg, begge af Viborg
[viet] 7de Novb 1865

Found here, at one of the entrés to the Danish parish records:

The 1860 or 1870 census records searchable here are supposed to give the birth parish of the individuals you find there:

With the parents' names, you should find the date and place of Willi's baptism through Family Search.  Spelling is not super critical in your search.

If it is in Copenhagen, his confirmation may not be in the same parish, at about age 14.

Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Ralph Rasmussen

So far, a search with Family Search has not found Willy's birth/baptism.  Do you have his death, or do any of your relatives have a clue to his life and death? 

A Vilhelm Oscar Christensen was buried in Sweden in 1939, and born ca. 1869.

Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Felicia Christensen

Citat fra: Ralph Rasmussen [3835] Dato 09 Nov 2015 - 02:06
So far, a search with Family Search has not found Willy's birth/baptism.  Do you have his death, or do any of your relatives have a clue to his life and death? 

A Vilhelm Oscar Christensen was buried in Sweden in 1939, and born ca. 1869.

Thank you very much for the help with my search, I have so far been able to find Ferdinand's parents at least!  :)

No I have no clue. Though I think his "real" name was not Willy, since none of Ferdinand's children had that name. But... that's what my grandfather keeps telling me! Might have been a nickname of some sort...  :-\

Paul Løndahl-Smidt

Hi Felicia,

Here is the family in the 1880 census.
All persons in the household

Aalborg, Fleskum, Aalborg Købstad, Lille Nygade 11, mat. 583, Forhus, Stuen, 1, FT-1880, C4436
Name:     Age:     Marital status:       Position in household:       Occupation:       Birth place:
Martin Ferdinand Christensen    44    Gift    Maskinnaadler       Aalborg
Olivia Christensen, født Nielsen    34    Gift    hans Kone       Kjøbenhavn
Marie Christensen    12    Ugift    deres Datter       Aalborg
Valborg Christensen    3    Ugift    deres Datter       Aalborg
Axel Christensen    under 1 Aar    Ugift    deres Søn       Aalborg
Caroline Petersen    18    Ugift    Naadeljomfru       Kjøbenhavn

and in the 1890 census.  Willy is probably Ludvig Vilhelm Christensen.
All persons in the household

Aalborg, Fleskum, Aalborg Købstad, Aalborg m-kort 1581, Lille Nygade forhus stuen ., mat.583 nr11, FT-1890, C0383
Name:     Age:     Marital status:       Position in household:       Occupation:       Birth place:
Martin Ferdinand Christensen    53    Gift    husfader    Skomager.    Aalborg
Olivia Etalia Christensen    45    Gift    husmoder       Kjøbenhavn
Marie Christensen    22    Ugift    barn       Aalborg
Valborg Christensen    13    Ugift    barn       Aalborg
Martha Sabine Greve Christensen    9    Ugift    barn       Aalborg
Ludvig Vilhelm Christensen    6    Ugift    barn       Aalborg

Fåborg    Barløse

Paul Løndahl-Smidt

Martin Ferdinand Christensen was born 31 Oct 1836, father Peter Christensen, mother Ane Marie M??, Aalborg Budolfi, opslag 67 nr 54.  https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/billedviser?epid=17128412#173002,29051185
Fåborg    Barløse

Paul Løndahl-Smidt

And here is Peter Christensen, a widower, and his children in the 1845 census.
All persons in the household

Aalborg, Fleskum, Aalborg Købstad, Skolegade, No. 349, 13, FT-1845, A4473
Name:     Age:     Marital status:       Position in household:       Occupation:       Birth place:
Peter Christensen    43    Enke(mand)       Maler    Aalborg
Sarbine    13    Ugift       hans Barn    Aalborg
Ludvig    11    Ugift       hans Barn    Aalborg
Martin    9    Ugift       hans Barn    Aalborg
Lovise Fjelsted    25    Ugift       ernærer sig af syening    Barmer
Jens Lassen    25    Ugift       Skoemagersvend    Aalborg
Jensen    25    Ugift       Skoemagersvend    Drammen [Norge]
Peter Christian Nielsen    23    Ugift       Soldat    Sebersund
Thomas Christian Nielsen    25    Ugift       Soldat    Lindum [Hjørring]
Søren Madsen Torslev    24    Ugift       Soldat    Lindum [Hjørring]
Lars Rønholdt    24    Ugift       Soldat    Skelum
Fåborg    Barløse

Paul Løndahl-Smidt

And here is Peter Christensen and what is probably his second wife in the 1840 census.
All persons in the household

Aalborg, Fleskum, Aalborg Købstad, Skolegadens Søndre Deel, No 349, 349, FT-1840, C5067
Name:     Age:     Marital status:       Position in household:       Occupation:       Birth place:
Peter Christensen    36    Gift       Maler    
Maren Christensen    30    Gift       hans Kone    
Sabine Wilhelme    8    Ugift       deres Datter    
Ludevig Wilhelm    5    Ugift       deres Sønner    
Martin Ferdinant    3    Ugift       deres Sønner    
Caroline Johansdatter    26    Ugift       Tjenestepige    
Ole Sørensen    25    Ugift       Malersvend    
Jens Thomsen    18    Ugift       Læredreng
Fåborg    Barløse

Paul Løndahl-Smidt

I think that Peter Christensen first wife and Ludvig mother is
Ane Marie Mørch but I would hope someone else will look at the birth record and give their opinion.
Fåborg    Barløse

Ralph Rasmussen

I agree with Paul. Written Mörch as this pastor's form of ø.

Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Paul Løndahl-Smidt

Ludvig Vilhelm Christensen was born 9 Jul 1883, Aalborg Vor Frue, opslag 155, nr 86, parents Martin Ferdinand Christensen and Olivia Ethalia Nielsen.  https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/billedviser?epid=17128440#200806,38025167
Fåborg    Barløse

Paul Løndahl-Smidt

According to Ethalia Olivia Nielsen's 1859 Viborg domsogn confirmation record, opslag 107 nr 10 https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/billedviser?epid=17127968#172060,28887766 she was born in København on 20 Jan 1845, parents Jørgen Christian Nielsen and Frederikke Poulsen.
Fåborg    Barløse

Ralph Rasmussen

Et(h)alia Olivia Nielsen's baptism at Trinitatis, birth register 1843-1850, opslag 74.

Parents:  Jørgen Christian Nielsen, Skrædersvend (journeyman tailor) and wife, Frederikke Paulsen in Clebxxx? Number 243.

Her parents the only baptismal sponsors/witnesses.
Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Ralph Rasmussen

A little more about Olivia (the father and his address match):

kbhv, København (Staden), Rosenborg Kvarter, Rosenborg, Aabenraa 243, quisten til gaarden, 1039, FT-1850, B6870
Navn:    Alder:    Civilstand:    Stilling i husstanden:    Erhverv:    Fødested:
Jørgen Christian Nielsen   34   Enkemand      skræddersvend   Ugeløse sogn, Holbæk amt
Caroline Nielsen   8   Ugift      hans datter   Kjøbenhavn
Olivia Nielsen   6   Ugift      do.   Do.
Adolph Nielsen   4   Ugift      hans søn   Do.

Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Paul Løndahl-Smidt

Jørgen Kristian Nielsen born in Uggeløse, Holbæk 15 Oct 1816, opslag 8 nr 6, parents Niels Jensen and Ane Catrine ???  https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/billedviser?epid=17224931#206405,39184556
Fåborg    Barløse