What is the occupation for Niels Chr. Nielsen in 1916 census?

Startet af Roger Nelson, 11 Feb 2016 - 02:12

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Roger Nelson


1916 Middlefart Købstad, Odensevej, Lige nr. 2-20, Opslag #156
Column 10 - The Erhverv: 'Brolæger og Kloakmester'   What was that occupation?
My Google translates it as 'paver or tiler' and 'sewer' ??

Can you also tell me what columns 7 & 8 are for?

Best wishes, Rog

Ole Westermann

Hi Rog

Brolægger - pavior
Kloakmester - seweage foreman
Column 7 asks:
Has the working capacity of this person been durably reduced caused by chronic desease,
disablement or other abnomality? Yes or no.
Column 8 asks:
If yes, what's the reason for this?

So Niels Chr. Nielsen's reduced working capacity is caused by "brokskade" - hernia 'damage'

Med venlig hilsen

Roger Nelson

Roger Nelson

I found two definitions for 'pavior' - "lays paving stones" or "lays tile."

Did 'Brolægger' refer to sewer work or was it a second trade or occupation?

Cheers, Rog