København death records

Startet af Paul Løndahl-Smidt, 18 Apr 2016 - 14:58

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Paul Løndahl-Smidt

Are the death records for København online.  I am looking for the death record of my uncle who died in 1979.  I have it as record 6221 but failed to save the record.  Mange tak.

Fåborg    Barløse


It is very difficult to help you with so little informations.

Where and when was he born?

What was his name?

What was his title?

Have you got some of his addresses?

Was he married? and to whom?

- and what does the number 6221 (from 1979) mean?
v.h. Thestrup-Bjørn, Sjælland
Medlem af DIS-Danmark siden 1994
Registreret bruger af Brother's Keeper siden 1998

Paul Løndahl-Smidt

Mange tak.  His name was Karl Johan Løndahl Smidt,  but he dropped the Smidt in 1958.  He was born in Odense (Skt Knud) 19 Dec 1894.  He was a kontorist and was married to Ingrid Marie Kristine Andersen.  His address when he died was Irmingsgade 15.  I believe the number is from his death registration in København.

Med venlig hilsen
Fåborg    Barløse

Peter Kristiansen

The death-records are online only to 1969.

M.v.h. Peter Kristiansen

Verner Bentsen

Hej Paul.

Is it the death registration in København you need ? Then I still have it ! Please let me know and I will send it to you.

mvh Verner


The address is called

Irmingersgade 15, 2100 København Ø

(Ø = the district: Østerbro)

The parish is

Fredens or Nazaret Sogn

These 2 churchbooks online (for deceased men) stop on December, 31, 1969

- so only people living in Copenhagen can help you with a death record in "Rigsarkivet" or in "Københavns Stadsarkiv".


Oh - I did not see Verner's information a little time ago.

Good luck.
v.h. Thestrup-Bjørn, Sjælland
Medlem af DIS-Danmark siden 1994
Registreret bruger af Brother's Keeper siden 1998

Paul Løndahl-Smidt

Hej Verner,

I found the record in my older photos, but thanks for remembering me.  You have been a great help in locating my Danish relatives.

Med venlig hilsen
Fåborg    Barløse