Birth in Utterslev

Startet af Paul Løndahl-Smidt, 16 Jun 2016 - 21:00

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Paul Løndahl-Smidt

I have found Anna Margrethe

It says that she was born in Utterslev on 24 Nov 1872.  I have searched the church records of Utterslev sogn in Maribo but she is not there.  Does anyone have any ideas as to where she was born?

Mange tak for din Hjælp.

Fåborg    Barløse

Inge Hedal

Hi Paul
There is a place called Utterslev in Brønshøj parish, Københavns amt, and I found her there:,38567547

Nowadays Utterslev is a parish in its own right.
Venlig hilsen, Inge

Paul Løndahl-Smidt

Mange tak Inge.  You amaze me with your ability to find answers.

Med venlig hilsen fra North Carolina, USA
Fåborg    Barløse