Help translating birth record

Startet af Claude Anders Hanson, 14 Aug 2016 - 19:25

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Claude Anders Hanson

Would someone please transcribe and  translate the third entry on this page (8) which I believe is the birth record for Henrik Filter.   Henrik Filter is the guardian of Anders Hansen when he was confirmed on April 20, 1817 in Vejrup parish, Ribe.  He was born illegitimate to Anna Nielsdatter and I can find no other record of her.  The birth record does not identify her parents or age.  I am hoping there is some connection to her.  A Hans Filter was at his baptism in 1803 on Feb. 20.

Ole Westermann

I read/translate:

Dom. .... Hans Filters Søn i T.... Huuset
Møllerens Kone Anna Maria
i Endrup Mølle bar Barnet. Mar..
Niels Nielsens Hustrue af S. Grisbech?
Anna Mads Nielsens Hustrue i
Nr. Weirup, Melchior Lauersen
i Sønder?krog, Peder Michelsen
i Nr Weirup, Peder Christensen
Dom. .... Hans Filter's son in the T.... house
The millers wife Anna Maria
in Endrup Mill carried the child. Mar..
Niels Nielsen's wife afrom S. Grisbech*     *Sønder (Southern) Grisbæk
Anna Mads Nielsen's wife in
Nr**. Weirup, Melchior Lauersen              **Nørre (northern)
in Sønderkrog, Peder Michelsen
in Nr Weirup, Peder Christensen


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