Please transcribe and translate birth record Jorgen Hansen, Brerup, Ribe 1848

Startet af Claude Anders Hanson, 30 Sep 2016 - 05:21

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Claude Anders Hanson!

I'm looking for a christening record for Jorgen Hansen and I'm checking a clue I got from Family Search that he was Christened on 28 Jan 1848.  In this record I think I see a Hans as father and perhaps a son Jorgen.  Please transcribe and translate the entire entry if you can.  Thanks so much.  Claude

Peter Kristiansen

Left side, bottom:

Dom. 4ta post Epiph. døbt Hans Lorentsens
Barn i Hulkiær-Mølle, kaldet Jørgen, Jom-
frue Lorentzen af Oxenvad bar barnet,
Fadere; Herritzfoget Ægidij i Hygom, Lauritz
Gydesen Ridefoget paa Elstrup, Herritzskriver
Utrup paa Gravengrd, og Magrethe
Pouelsdtr. i Brørupgaard.

On the 4th Sunday after Epiphany, baptized HL's
child in Hulkiær Mill, called Jørgen. The maiden
Lorentzen from Oxenvad carried the child (the god-mother)
Witnesses: Bailif of the shire Ægidi in Hygom, L
G bailip on Elstrup, writer in the shire
U. on Gravengård and Margrehte
Pouelsdatter i Brørupgård.

Sorry for the translation of positions - couldn't find the list....
M.v.h. Peter Kristiansen

Claude Anders Hanson

Thank you Peter.  Now, I just have to find who the mother was!!  Thanks again, Claude