Help with translation please

Startet af David Wright, 02 Feb 2017 - 08:21

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David Wright

Could someone give me some help with the translation of the text of this attached church book entry. Terkel Jensen. I can read mother's name Ane .... Jensen but nothing else. Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you.

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]

Helle Jespersen

I read the following
Born 15th of march Terkel Jensen, Christening at home 15th march, at the church 8th of may,
Mother, Non married (Fruentimmer) Ane Katrine Dorthea Jensen, Barrit Fattig gaard.
Mother 28 years)
Barnefader Niels Terkelsen
Forsker i området omkring Skibby, Horsens, Als & Sundeved, og lidt syd for Viborg. Har afstikkere til København, USA og Australien, samt enkelte indgifte fra Sverige og Polen.

David Wright

Thank you very much for your prompt reply. Most appreciated. David