Help with translation please

Startet af David Wright, 03 Feb 2017 - 08:39

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David Wright

Could someone assist me with translation of any of the attached church book entry please. I believe it relates to an Elise Jensen and I think the mother is unmarried? Ane Katherine Dorethea Jensen. Please let me know if this is correct and if it is possible to translate any more. Your help would be most appreciated. Thank you. 

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]

Helle Jespersen

You are right.
The girls name I read as Elise Rasmine Jensen

The mothers name is also correct.

The rest of it, is very difficult to read. I can read some words, but not enough to make a complete translation of it.
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Britta Hansen

Link to church book Barrit Parish,26902800

April 24, 1881 Elise Ramine Jensen
mother: ugifte (not married) Ane Katrine Dorthea Jensen ... Rasmus Nielsen Kleis Mark
Father: Fader udlagt enkemand (widower) Frederik Ringer Gram Mark
Venlig hilsen
Britta Hansen

David Wright

Thank you both for your help. I can't quite work out which one of these two men is the father. Is it possible that she named two men as the likely father? Does anyone with more experience than I have of reading the church books, particularly in respect of unwed mothers,  have any idea.

Helmer Christiansen

The putative father: Frederik Ringer living at Gram Mark in the neighboring parish Raarup.
It was also in Raarup parish that the mother lived 10 months before giving birth and the child was born in Raarup parish.

Vejle amt, Bjerre, Rårup, 1878-1891 FKVD (KM) - opslag: 105 af 322 opslag
Helmer Christiansen
2000 F

David Wright

Thank you. Most helpful.

Ralph Rasmussen

For completeness:  Ane is 'inderst hos Rasmus Nielsen', boarder in the home of R. N.

Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

David Wright

Thank you. I was wondering how that other name fitted into that paragraph.