What church were parents married in

Startet af Paul Løndahl-Smidt, 11 Mar 2017 - 18:43

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Paul Løndahl-Smidt

In the birth record of Bent Johan Løndahl what church were the parents married in?  https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/billedviser?bsid=150209#150209,24889691

Mange tak.

Fåborg    Barløse

Hans Mikkelsen

Kristkirken. Enghave Plads 18

Hans Mikkelsen

Paul Løndahl-Smidt

Fåborg    Barløse

Inger Toudal

His parents were married in Hellerup kirke 14 Apr. 1927.

Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal

Paul Løndahl-Smidt

Mange tak Inger.  I looked at Krist Kirke and couldn´t find them but they are in Hellerup.

Fåborg    Barløse