Translate death reccord of Heino Gerhard Brolund

Startet af Paul Løndahl-Smidt, 16 Mar 2017 - 18:53

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Paul Løndahl-Smidt

Would someone be so kind as to translate the death record of Heino Gerhard Brolund.  Many thanks.  it is number 12.,38253362

Fåborg    Barløse

Cay-Erik Geipel

8 th of june mr. Heino Gerhard Brolund, born at
Erroe (ærø) 5. th of august 1723, became 1747 .... at
the Nicolai-church in Copenhagen, was installed as
priest on Kekenis (Kegnæs) 1749 and introduced as
parish-priest fore Hörup-parish in July month
1767 (after mr. Otte Frank, who died
the 1. st of april same year). He has been married
3 times and in the last year rural dean for Alsoe (Als) - southern
district. He died the 3. rd of june
Venlig hilsen
Cay-Erik Geipel

Paul Løndahl-Smidt

Hej Cay-Erik,

Mange tak.  Now to look for the three marriages.

Med venlig hilsen
Fåborg    Barløse