Better Transcription and translation needed for understanding

Startet af Lynn Christiansen, 29 Jul 2017 - 00:42

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Lynn Christiansen

My 4th great grandfather's birth entry is located at:,26942192

I have attempted a transcription which follows:

Year: 1750
No: 1st entry under Maÿus
d 31 Maÿ Confirmerede Præsten udi gierding
Kirche Shersant [sic] [sergiant] Morten gierdings drenge
barns daab som for ....... [= grund af] svaghed tilforn
var hiemmedøbt med nafn JENS, *frem bar
det Præstens Kiæreste [kone] Lovise Himelstrup,
gik med Lisbeth Dorothe Mörch.  mandsfader
Christen Laursen, Poul Knudsen og Peder
Jensen, alle af gierding.

* Lovise bar barnet til døbefonten, Lisbeth gik med/holdt huen

On the 31st of May the baptism the infant son of Shersant [sic] [sergiant] Morten from Gerding was confirmered by the Priest serving in Gerding Church. Because of weakness he was baptized at home and named JENS. The child was presented at the baptismal font by the priest's Kiæreste [wife] Louise Himelstrup, assisted by Lisbeth Dorothe Mörch. Christen Laursen, Poul Knudsen and Peder Jensen, all of Gerding.

Could someone review my transcription and the translation?

Question: is the father of the child Shersant Morten? Or is Shersant a title or something else? What is the name of the Father? Is the mother's name given?

RIN 25900
Research Areas: Thisted, Aarhus, Viborg

Henrik Brandt

Hi Lynn

Most of it is correct, I read it this way:

d 31 Maÿ Confirmerede Præsten udi Gierding
Kirche Shersant Morten Gierdings drenge
barns daab som formedelst svaghed tilforn
var hiemmedøbt med nafn Jens, frembar
det Præstens Kiæreste Lovise Himelstrup,
gik med Lisbeth Dorithe Mörch, mandsfader
Chresten Laursen, Poul Knudsen og Peder
Jensen, alle af Gierding.

On the 31st of May the vicar confirmed in Gerding Kirke the baptism of Sergeant Morten Gierding's infant son who because of weakness had been baptized at home and named Jens. The child was carried by the vicar's wife Lovise Himelstrup, Lisbeth Dorithe Mørch went by, male witnesses Christen Laursen, Poul Knudsen and Peder Jensen, all from Gerding

The mother is not mentioned.

The father is sergeant Morten Gierding, Gierding is his last name. The spelling "Shersant" is strange but I am sure it means sergeant. He must be identical with this former ("afskediget") sergeant in the 1787 census:

Aalborg, Hellum, Gerding, Gierding Bye, , 19, FT-1787, C1952

Navn:    Alder:    Status:    Stilling i familien:    Erhverv:    Fødested:
Lars Mortensøn     40     Gift     huusfader     bonde og huusmand       
Giertrud Christensdaatter     39     Gift     hans kone            
Morten Laursøn     5     Ugift     deres barn af 1ste egteskab            
Maren Laursdaatter     1     Ugift     deres barn af 1ste egteskab            
Morten Gierding     81     Enke     mandens fader     afskeediget sergeant     

Henrik Brandt

In Fræer, a village next to Gerding, a man called Morten Nielsen Gierding and wife Maren Michelsdatter had several children before 1750. Maybe the same person?

Soren Mortensen
Denmark Baptisms, 1618-1923
christening:   27 maj 1745   FRAEER, AALBORG, DENMARK   
father:   Morten Gierding
mother:   Maren Michelsdr   

Hans Mortensen
Denmark Baptisms, 1618-1923
christening:   25 april 1742   FRAEER, AALBORG, DENMARK   
father:   Morten Gierding
mother:   Maren Michelsdr   

Michel Mortensen
Denmark Baptisms, 1618-1923
christening:   23 november 1738   FRAEER, AALBORG, DENMARK   
father:   Morten Gierding
mother:   Maren Michelsdr   

Anne Mortensen
Denmark Baptisms, 1618-1923
christening:   29 februar 1728   FRAEER, AALBORG, DENMARK   
father:   Morten Nielsen Gierding
mother:   Maren Michelsdr

CORRECTION: According to this:
the man in Fræer died in 1764 - must be another person?

Lynn Christiansen

Thank you Henrik for your support and effort in this pursuit. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Research Areas: Thisted, Aarhus, Viborg