Odense Database Personage numbers & Lobenumber

Startet af Peter Simonsen, 18 Aug 2017 - 07:05

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Peter Simonsen


Could someone please explan the differance between personnage number & Lobenumber on the Odense data base, I understand the personnage number is also the Social Security number, but many individuals I am trying to research have no records until the 1850's while others have them from the early 1800's eg the first records I can find for Ellen Kristine Simonsen are from the birth of her son in 1852 personange # 18230326004 but I can find her brother Lars prior to this. Also can Lobenumbers & record numbers be search for more information?

Thanks for your help

Inger Toudal

Personnummer can be used to find other records about the same person:

http://www.odensedatabasen.dk/ - click "Flere søgemuligheder":


- e.g. http://www.odensedatabasen.dk/kilde/begivenhed?fornavn=&efternavn=&start=&slut=&erhvervsgruppe=&begivenhed=&personnummer=18230326004

There are, however, many errors in the database, e.g. two different individuals under the same personnummer, or the same
individual under two or more numbers.

Best regards,
Inger Toudal
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal