Please help to find Bertel Jørgensen after 1797 Lægdsruller

Startet af Roger Nelson, 03 Sep 2017 - 00:58

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Roger Nelson,841680

Bertel son of Jørgen Olesen born Broe, Brenderup sogn 1774, Opslag #66, 1797F 81/67 @ Brenderup #9, Hindsgavl - 10 J 217
I believe he should be in Odense amt, Inderslev sogn but cannot find him. 
Kindest regards, Rog

Jan Hedegaard Skov

I find him here (1800 moved to Indslef=Ingslev under Hindsgavl 10);,843611

And here (1801 with new number 126);,843992

And (1805 new number 76);,845903

And (1808 new number 53);,859766
where he is deleted from the list.

All the time under the old 'Amt' Hindsgavl (notice that in the top of the page in the 3 last links)
Med Venlig Hilsen

Jan Hedegaard Skov
Slægt fra Himmerland og Thy

Roger Nelson

And (1808 new number 53);,859766
where he is deleted from the list.

1808 Does the entry on the left just report that Bertel was removed in session of 1811?
Was he an assistant to surveyor Rasmussen at Bubelgaard and exempt from service in the army?

Jan Hedegaard Skov

yes, he was a Farmhand - 'Avlskarl' - (assistant) to surveyor Rasmussen at Bubelgaard, and it is written that he stays in this occupation - 'Stilling' - in 1809, 1810 and in 1811, and due to this position he gets a free pass - 'Friepas' - (from the military).
Med Venlig Hilsen

Jan Hedegaard Skov
Slægt fra Himmerland og Thy

Roger Nelson

Thanks Jan, you're a great help!

Kindest regards, Rog

Roger Nelson,841680

Sorry to bother you again but could you tell me what are the notations on the right side?
I think the last one is that he went to Levying District 10.
Kindest regards, Rog

Jan Hedegaard Skov

Skulderskade - shoulder injury
usinderlig 94 - ?? (not in his mind?? or one you can see??) 94

So I would say (perhaps) a physical shoulder injury in 94.

Frielod 95 - Free pass in 95

til L. 10 H.A. - as you say to Levying dist. 10.
Med Venlig Hilsen

Jan Hedegaard Skov
Slægt fra Himmerland og Thy

Ole Westermann

Skulderskade - shoulder injury
usinderlig 94 - ?? (not in his mind?? or one you can see??) 94

Skulderskade - shoulder injury
uhinderlig 94 - (i.e. does not prevent him from being enrolled - at the session i 94)

mvh Ole