need 2 words transcribed

Startet af Lisa Petersen, 02 Dec 2017 - 15:32

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Lisa Petersen


Can anyone please transcribe the 2 words I have circled in the attached image?  The full page is,41034972.

Thanks very much!

Lisa Petersen
near Washington, D.C.

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]

Ole Westermann

My proposal:

Indsluttede Anviisning ...etc

Ved at tilbagesende den mig ved DH?heds behgl.*                     *Deres Højvelbaarenheds behagelige
Skrivelse ...etc

mvh Ole

Lisa Petersen

Thank you, Ole, that helps! 

Indsluttede was my guess but I wasn't sure.

I saw the word Høivelbaarenhed in another record (attached) and in that case it was Doms Høivelbaarenhed.  So maybe that is what DH?heds means.

Thanks for the transcriptions.

Lisa Petersen

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]

Ole Westermann

The indistinctly written Doms shall be read Deres.

Velbaaren basicly means 'of good, distinquished origin/family'.
Højvelbaaren - spec. for persons in the 2nd rank, see also


Lisa Petersen

Okay, I'll agree now that it's Deres.  Thanks.
And thanks for the meaning of velbaaren and link to class ranks.

Lisa Petersen