Christening Record of Christen Hansen

Startet af Ric Rasmussen, 22 Dec 2017 - 20:31

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Ric Rasmussen

Fanefjord, Mønbo, Præstø

Ole Westermann

Fer. 3. Pentecost. Hanß Svendsens søn af K.lille
Christen christnet. Herretzfogedens Datter af Tostrup Ma-
grete Kirstine bar ham* Faddere Hans Nordbo i K.lille
Jacob Andersen ibid  Johanne Hans Hendricksens og Jo-
hanne Axelstens ibid
  ---------------------- translation:
Fer. 3. Pentecost. Hanß Svendsens son of K.lille
Christen baptized. The 'district judge/bailiffs' daughter of Tostrup Ma-
grete Kirstinecarried him* Witnesses Hans Nordbo in K.lille
Jacob Andersen ibid  Johanne Hans Hendricksen's and Jo-
hanne Axelsten's ibid

*the written han with a 'curl' in the end is an abbreviation of the very old version of ham - hannem


Ric Rasmussen

Fanefjord, Mønbo, Præstø