Translation question about the estate of Laurs Mogensen 1717-1777

Startet af Roger Nelson, 18 Feb 2018 - 19:33

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Roger Nelson

Laurs Mogensen, havde fået sit fæstebrev udstedt den 3. februar 1747. Han havde fået gården i fæste uden at betale indfæstning.
Notater:  Laurs or Lars Mogensen, born about 1717, burial 1777 in Dronninglund.  Was Laurs a 'copyholder' who bought or purchased his copyholder farm 3 Feb 1747 without paying a lot of money?

Also it reads that he had 7 horses, 4 cows, 6 Ungdyr (?), 9 sheep, 3 pigs, 2 geese - what are the 6 ungdyr?
This seems as though it was a fairly large farm?

Kind regards,


Hans Mikkelsen

Roger Nelson

Thanks Hans,

Could someone help me with those other 2 questions?

Mikkel Eide Eriksen

Hi Roger

Yes, "Laurs Mogensen received his copyhold agreement on February 3, 1747. He paid no fee upon taking over the farm."

I don't know if the farm was considered large.

Interesse: alt Gilleleje plus Lindberg/Humble (SE/DK) Svane (Mors) Behringer (Alsace/DK/NO) Bortvig/Fleischer (Lolland)

Hjælper gerne med Sverige:,153986

Helmer Christiansen

The farm was rated in barrels (Tdr.) of Hartkorn as 2 Tdr. 7 Skpr. 3 Fjdk and 1 1/4 Alb. (1 Tdr. = 8 Skpr. = 32 Fjdk. = 96 Alb.). It's not a big farm. Farms were between 1 and 12 Tdr. Hartkorn.
Helmer Christiansen
2000 F

Roger Nelson

Helmer, Mange tak!

Was only the Hartkorn 2 Tdr. considered when judging the size of the farm?  If so, was Laurs Mogensen a "Fæsteboelsmand" according to that? 

It would seem that he would have had to produce a lot of feed just for his animals.


Mikkel Eide Eriksen

Hi Roger

There would likely be a commons (fælled) somewhere for his animals to graze at least part of the year.

Interesse: alt Gilleleje plus Lindberg/Humble (SE/DK) Svane (Mors) Behringer (Alsace/DK/NO) Bortvig/Fleischer (Lolland)

Hjælper gerne med Sverige:,153986

Helmer Christiansen

All farmland in the Kingdom of Denmark (outside the towns but without the island of Bornholm) was measured and assessed in 1688. There were a total of 58,174 farms with a value of 351.334 Tdr. Hartkorn (barrels of hard grain). That is, an average of 6 barrels of hard grain per farm. (Hard grain: rye, barley and wheat).

The value of Laurs Mogensen's farm was thus below average, but still a farm. There was no fixed limit in Tdr. Htk. between when a farmer was considered a "boelsmand" or a "gårdmand". Some sources indicate a limit of 2, other 2½ Tdr. hartkorn. Under 1 Tdr. Htk. he was a "husmand" (smallholder).
Helmer Christiansen
2000 F

Roger Nelson

Helmer,  Thank you for that explanation.  It is much appreciated!

Kindest regards, Rog