Tracing a Danish relative

Startet af Jan BUTCHER, 20 Feb 2018 - 00:20

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My great grand father come to Australia around 1870s. He change his name to Robert Christian SMITH.

*Date of birth: 15 Aug 1843
*Birthplace :Aarhus
*Fought in Second Danish War
*Was a seaman
*Father 's first name Christian
*Christian listed as shop keeper

Sadly that is all I know. I have searched Danish census records for males born on that date. I cannot find a person who seems to fit! I have done my DNA hoping to find a match!

Where to next? Was his death reported back in Danish Newspapers in 1928? Can he be found as a 20-21 year old in Danish military records?

Please help. I am suck but do not want to give up the search.

Jan Butcher

Helle Jespersen

Do you know what his name was before he changed it?
Forsker i området omkring Skibby, Horsens, Als & Sundeved, og lidt syd for Viborg. Har afstikkere til København, USA og Australien, samt enkelte indgifte fra Sverige og Polen.

Christian Konstmann Autzen

See also this:

And this as a possibly - a "Robert":

Samtlige personer i husstanden
Aarhus, Hasle, Aarhus Købstad, Studsgade, 191, 335, FT-1850, D3314
Navn:    Alder:    Status:    Stilling i familien:    Erhverv:    Fødested:
Anders Stigaard     50     Gift          Husfader, Kjøbmand     Kjøbenhavn  
Else Marie Kold     43     Gift          hans Kone     Aarhus  
Alberth Stigaard     14     Ugift          deres Søn     Aarhus  
Ane Marie Stigaard     12     Ugift          deres Datter     Aarhus  
Vibekke Stigaard     10     Ugift          deres Datter     Aarhus  
Ludvig Stigaard     8     Ugift          deres Søn     Aarhus  
Roberth Stigaard     5     Ugift          deres Søn     Aarhus  
Emillie Stigaard     3     Ugift          deres Datter     Aarhus

Samtlige personer i husstanden
Aarhus, Hasle, Aarhus Købstad, Store Torv, 922, 1, FT-1845, A2013
Navn:    Alder:    Status:    Stilling i familien:    Erhverv:    Fødested:
Carl Secher     26     Ugift          købmand     Kasted, Århus 
Christian Schmidt    21     Ugift          handelskommis     Nykøbing Falster 
Anthon Schou     17     Ugift          handelslærling     Ålsø, Randers 
Hans Bendixen     31     Ugift          tjenestekarl     Egens, Randers 


Min slægt: Autzen, Konstmann, Nansen, Hegelund, Sønberg, Matzen, Schmidt, Kruse, Wolf. Min hustru's slægt: Mærsk, Fogh, Møller, Hark, Lund, Aaskou, Blom, Dethlefsen, Beyer, Troels Winther.


Hi Christian
Thank you for your reply. I like your suggestions but I am unsure of the year. My GG Grandfather would have been 5 in 1848 when was Robert Stigaard 5?

Christian Schmidt am I reading correctly that he is an employee in a shop? My relative was 21 in 1864.
I am currently searching the military records to see if I can find a person born 15 Aug 1843 applied for a medal. No luck so far. Not many people fought in the 2nd Danish War as a 20 year old.

Pleased to have other suggestions for a person born in Denmark (Aarhus???) 15 Aug 1843.



Hi Helle

No I do not have a Danish name except "Robert Christian Smith" born in Aarhus 15 August 1843. That is why he is so difficult to find.
Thank you for your interest.

Lars Skovvang Larsen

Hi Jan.

What is your source of Birthplace (Århus) - and how narrowly have you interpret it?

If the information is from "Robert", he can have forgotten that he wasn´t actually born in the city of Århus; but only grew up there.
He can have mentioned Århus as his birthplace as he was born in the wider sence i Århus (as in the area) - and that could be anywhere in eastern Jutland.

Have you been looking for his confirmation in the Århus parishes from 1857 to around 1860. Confirmation age was normally not earlyer than 14 years.

Venlig hilsen
Lars Skovvang Larsen, Faxe