Need birth transcription, Farup, Ribe, page 52, #4, last right + cont. next page

Startet af Claude Anders Hanson, 29 Apr 2018 - 15:18

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Claude Anders Hanson

I need the entire record transcribed for the baptism of Karen Hansdatter, the illegitimate daughter of Joanne Marie Nielsdatter and Hans Jorgensen.  I'm particularly interested in names and places.  All previous information let me to believe she was born in Janderup parish where she was confirmed.  Thanks so much for helping me place this piece of my puzzle in the correct place!  :D  Claude

Ole Westermann

Dear Claude
I prefer to use,27166812 (easier to use)
I line it up easier:

3die S(øn)dag efter Paaske den 27de April blev afgl. Niels Jensens Datter Johanne Marie paa
Haderslebhuus Stoen? i Fardrup-By hendes uægte og hjemmedøbte Datter n. KAREN hendes Daab publiceret  (verte)
Susc. Knud Mortensens Hustrue Karen Hansdatter af Fardrup.
Test. Ane HansDttr ibdem og Apelone Niels Dttr ibd.  Hans Knudsen Weirup ibdem.
Som Barne-Fader blev angivet Land-Soldat Hans Jørgensen Lintrup ved det Fynske Regiment.
Dette Leyermaal blev af mig saavel til Amtmanden i Hadersleb 31te Dec. som Herredsfogden i Rødding indmeldte den 11te Dec. s.A.
   ------------------- translation:
3rd Sunday after Easter the 27th of April was late Niels Jensen's daughter Johanne Marie at
Haderslevhus Stoen? in Fardrup-By her illegitimate and at home bapt. daughter n. KAREN her baptism published (turn)
Susc. Knud Mortensens wife Karen Hansdatter of Fardrup.
Test. Ane HansDttr ibdem and Apelone Niels Dttr ibd.  Hans Knudsen Weirup ibdem.
As putative father was named 'landsoldier' Hans Jørgensen Lintrup at Fynske Regiment.
This incident was by me as well to the 'Amtmand' in Haderslev 31te Dec. as to the' Herredsfoged' in Rødding reported the 11th of Dec. same year.

mvh Ole

Claude Anders Hanson

Thanks Ole.  I know you prefer to the other cite.  Sorry.       I thought it was interesting that my gggrandfather Anders Hansen was illegitimate...and now I find that his wife, my gggrandmother was born in similar circumstances.   The two parents actually married about five years later.  Claude