Death record of Tyvald Carl Christian Erland Vang Jr

Startet af Tom Hammer, 25 Jun 2018 - 18:40

Forrige emne - Næste emne

Tom Hammer

Here is what I know about him. All these records are from Bornholm:
Birth:,25920170, line 62.
1906 Census:
1911 Census:
1916 Census:
1921 Census:

From my family stories, he "died at sea" in 1926. I assume he was on a boat, but I don't know why. Working? emmigrating? Where would his death have been recorded? In the most recent Parish where he lived? Nearest Parish to where he died?


Arne Møhler


Under which name at each census did you find your person Vang?


Tom Hammer

1906 - Thyvald Kristian Vang (birth year off by two years, but this is the right person - 1903 vs. 1901)
1911 - Tyvald Karl Kristian Vang (birth month off by one month - August vs. July)
1916 - Karl Vang
1921 - Karl Vang (birth year off by one year, 1902 vs. 1903)


Arne Møhler


In Census 1911 Karl Vang is a foster child in Klemensker, Bornholm

In Census 1916 he is a farm-hand in an age of 15 years

In Census 1921 he is first farm-hand

Census 1925 is not available, and I'm afraid it will last long before it is, because af the new regulations of personal datas from EU.
There are still many people alive.

Note. The chapters for deceased persons in the church books are still available on Arkivalieronline.

If he was working on a boat he would normally still have a home adress, and his eventuall death on board would be recorded in the belonging parish.


Tom Hammer

I have looked in every Bornholm Parish record of male deaths occurring in 1926 and have not seen his name. I think there are 3 possibilities: 1) he is recorded with the wrong or generic name (no one knew his real name when he died), 2) he lived outside of Bornholm at the time of death, 3) or he died in a different year than 1926.


Tom Hammer

I just found this notation in some of my mothers records about him written in 1990 by a Danish relative:
"Carl druknede om vinteren 1926 el 27 jeg husker ikke rigtigt" or "Carl drowned in the winter of 1926 in 1927, I do not really remember"

I guess I could expand my search to include 1927.
