Translation help

Startet af Trisha Weathers, 14 Nov 2018 - 05:08

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Trisha Weathers

Hey everyone.

My parents recently went to Copenhagen and were able to go to some sites of my great grandmother and her parents. I am working on a present to give to my mom with places she visited.

Can you please help translate the signs from a couple of the buildings. There are two pictures attached in a word document.

Thank you

Inge Hedal

Hey Tricia
The text in the church is from the Bible, St John's, ch. 8, verse 31:
Dersom I blive
i mit Ord ere I
mine Disciple
Ioh .  8 . 31

New King James version:
31 "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.

This is the house with the plaque:,12.5133032,3a,60.8y,291.62h,88.26t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1suo7gb_HTaImhiNP8NWS7lQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
It is not Smedestræde 10, but Annexstræde 2, Valby. I suppose your great grandmother went to school there.

This is Smedestræde 10:,12.512602&z=17&q=%22Smedestræde,%2010,%20VALBY%22;212472342;geo&sv=55.666792,12.514175,0.0281,1.9368,0.1190,212472342

The text on the school, which was one out of 240 built by King Frederik IV:
Den latinske tekst i oversættelse:
Denne skole tillige med 240 lignende har jeg i året 1721 opført i de distrikter, som af mig er oprettet til altid at underholde 12 ryttereskadroner.
Den danske tekst:
Halvtredsindstyve Aar, GUD har DU mig opholdet,
At Sygdom, Kriig og Pest mig intet ondt har voldet,
Thi yder jeg min Tack, og breeder ud DIT Navn,
Og bygger Skoler op, de Fattige til Gavn.
GUD lad i dette Værck DIN Naades Fylde kiende!
Lad denne min Fundatz bestaa til Verdens Ende!
Lad altiid paa min Stool, én findes af min Ætt
Som Meener DIG MIN GUD! og DISSE SKOLER rätt.

The king thanks God for having protected him against illness, war, and plague, and he asks God to protect the schools as well.

Trisha Weathers