how to search AO for specific time and place

Startet af Lisa Petersen, 14 Nov 2018 - 18:13

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Lisa Petersen

Is there a way to search AO for all records in a specific location and time period?  Example: Odense 1792-1798.  I think my ancestor was there during those years and probably worked as a scribe or clerk. 

På forhånd tak.

Lisa Petersen
near Washington, D.C.

Helmer Christiansen

It is not AO, but Odense Stadsarkiv (Odense City Archives) has a database at
The Odense database contains information about persons and properties in Odense 1740-1921
Helmer Christiansen
2000 F

Trisha Weathers

I clicked into her out of curiosity.  What is the Odense City Archives site?

I am surprised I haven't seen this one before. What is the main source you search for on this site?

Lisa Petersen

Thank you Helmer for the replies.  I have seen the odensedatabasen before and it is very good.  This time, I want to look at records that were created in Odense between 1792 and 1798 because I think my ancestor may have written them if he worked as a clerk. 

Lisa Petersen
near Washington, D.C.