Source Document?

Startet af Lynn Christiansen, 16 Jun 2019 - 14:54

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Lynn Christiansen

On a recent trip to Denmark when visiting several Churches we attempted to get pamphlets on each one.

We noted that many did not have any, but had a copy of information on their respective church in plastic binders that were chained to the wall.

Linnerup Kirke was one of these. See the sample of the pages that we photographed.

They appeared to be from a source document, in the case of Linnerup the pages were number from 4311 to 4329.

Does anyone know the source of these write ups and if it is available online?

The document seems to cover multiple churches as we came across similar chained brochures in several different churches, each having pages covering their Church.

Any insight into the original document would be appreciated.

Thank you.....
Research Areas: Thisted, Aarhus, Viborg

Gitte Johansen

Venlig hilsen
Gitte Johansen 8520 Lystrup

gittejohansen(snabel a)

Lynn Christiansen

Thank you Gitte.

That is exactly what we were looking for.

Thank you again.

Another question that maybe you can help with:

Is there a listing of Parish Pæster by Parish, Pærster Name, and years of Service?

My wife had a relative that was a Præster at Linnerup, his name was Hans Søssrensen Hjortsvang 1681-1717. Supposedly, he had a brother that served at Nørhå Parish. His name was Christen Søssrensen Hjortsvang.  Nørhå Kirke does not have a wall display of Præster that served there, like the one at Linnerup Kirke (see attachment)

Hence, the question about the availability of such a document.

Again, thank you for the link. We have already started to use it.
Research Areas: Thisted, Aarhus, Viborg

Gitte Johansen

5. (1667). Christen Sørensen Hjortvang, vistnok af Linnerup-H.; (Bdr. t. Sidsel S. ~ P. Rasmussen i Ølby-A.-F.); St. pr. 59; ~ Maren Andersdtr., † 3/4 05; see Anders C. H. i Lime; [† 1708; blev overfalden i sit eget Huus af Sp. i Thisted, A. N. Heeboe].

KUM I, s. 275 (»Christianus Severini Hiorsvang«); E. Brejls skifteuddr.: Gejstl. sk. i Ringkøb. amt, Hjerm hrd. nr. 3.
Venlig hilsen
Gitte Johansen 8520 Lystrup

gittejohansen(snabel a)

Lynn Christiansen

Gitte----THANK YOU...... ;D ;D ;D
Research Areas: Thisted, Aarhus, Viborg