Needing help reading birth entry

Startet af Lynn Christiansen, 26 Mar 2014 - 17:34

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Lynn Christiansen

I have located the birth entry for Ane Kristine Sørensdatter at 1814-1830 Beder, Ning, Aarhus opslag 55 entry 2

Same as FS,358953201,359080601,359089101

I am having trouble with reading some of the names. Could someone please review my attempt and make corrections as needed?

I have:

Anno: 1829
Numb: 2
Legitimate: Legitimate
Birth date: født d 7de Janu
Name: Ane Kirstine Sørensdatter
Parents: Gaardmand Søren Nielsen og ?? Nielsdatter (sp?) i ??
Christened: d 19 Juli
Witnesses: Barnet af Søren Christensens Hustrue i Fulden Mølle, Gaardmand Niels Hansen ??, Hans Jensen Seldring, Ferderich (sp?) Jensen ?mølle Mette Jensdatter ??
Mother returns to Church: d 19 Juli
Index: Fol 227 N: 31

I especially need help with the names and locations....

Thank you....

RIN 7398
Research Areas: Thisted, Aarhus, Viborg

Kirsten Tatt


Ane Kirstine Sørensdatter

Gaardmand Søren Nielsen
og Lisbeth Nielsdatter i

Baaret af Søren Christen-
sens hustru i Fulden Mølle
Gaardmænd Niels Hansen
Bispelund. Hans Jensen
Seldrup. Frederik Jensen
Skovmølle. Mette
Jensdatter Tustrup

Baaret: carried

- and this is the Family:

Samtlige personer i husstanden

Aarhus, Ning, Beder, Over Fløistrup Bye, Bispelund, en Gaard, 38, FT-1834, B3423

Søren Nielsen 38 gift  Gaardmand 
Lisbeth Nielsdatter 26 gift  Hans Kone 
Ane Kirstine Sørensdatter 5 ugift  deres datter 

Niels Sørensen 4 ugift  deres søn 
Hans Sørensen 1 ugift  deres søn 
Peder Lassen 34 ugift  tjenestekarl 
Mette Jensdatter 33 ugift  tjenestepige 
Erik Mikkelsen 17 ugift  tjenestedreng 
Niels Hansen 64 gift  aftægtsmand 
Ane Kirstine Sørensdatter 71 gift  aftægtskone

venligst Kirsten

Lynn Christiansen

Research Areas: Thisted, Aarhus, Viborg