Ared Hansen marriage record help -- in English please

Startet af David Madison, 17 Apr 2014 - 17:50

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David Madison


I need your help with the marriage record for Ared Hansen + Karen Larsdatter.  They were married in Østermarie Sogn, Øster Herred, Bornholm Amt in 1801.

I have attached an image of the Østermarie kirkebøger 1753-1815, opslag 62 record for your use.

Please transcribe the record in Danish and then translate into English.

Thank you for your time and help.


[vedhæfting slettet af admin]

Ole Westermann

Hej David,

I read (and translate):

d 10.Septembr var Ung Karl Ared Hansen af 46 Selveyergaard
med tvende Cautions Mænd, neml: Jep Larsen og Mogens Hansen, for (at)
blive antegnet til Lysning af Prædikestolen for at indgaae
Ægteskab med Enken Karen Lars Datter, afgangne Hans Hansens
af 40. Selveyergaard her i Sognet. Og da intet er som kan hindre
dens Ægteskabs Fuldbyrdelse, hverken Skiftehold - Slegt eller
Svogerskab - hvorfor anførte cavere og friholde Sogne Præsten i
alle maader - blev saa Seddel leveret til Lysning.
Øster Marie Præstegaard ut Supra.
        Jep Larsen    Mogens Hansen

10th of September bachelor Ared Hansen from 46. freeholderfarm
with two sponsors, namely Jep Larsen and Mogens Hansen, (here) to
sign in for banns from the pulpit to contract
a marriage with widow Karen Larsdatter, late Hans Hansen's
from 40. freeholderfarm her in the parish. And as nothing can hinder
the completion of the marriage, neither administration of estate - family nor
affinity - for which we guarantee and excuse the vicar in
all ways - then a note/slip for the banns was delivered.
Øster Marie Vicary, date as above.
       Jep Larsen   Mogens Hansen

Best regards

David Madison

Hej Ole,

Thank you so much for your help.  This kikebog entry is the most difficult one I have attempted to decipher and translate.

Your help is much appreciated!
