What or where is Store Bjørnlund?

Startet af Roger Nelson, 26 Jun 2014 - 02:56

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Roger Nelson

Dronninglund Sogn, Hjørring Amt 1849-1860, Opslag #56, 12 Mai 1854, #29, Birth & Bapt. of Jacob Sørensen.  Under the names of his father & mother is "Store Bjørnlund".
What does "Store Bjørnlund" mean?   Is it the name of a farm?
Rog Nelson

Ralph Rasmussen

I find a Bjørnlund four or five miles north of Dronninglund church.  It is likely the store (greater) Bjørnlund, but a  lesser Bjørnlund may lie very close or even some miles away, but as it happens in the same parish.  I read that latter from references to the two found with Google's help.
Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Helmer Christiansen

In the 1688 assessment of all Danish real estates Store Bjørnlund (57°12'47.6"N 10°13'24.7"E) was a farm valued at 7,79 Tdr. Hartkorn.
Helmer Christiansen
2000 F

Roger Nelson

Thank you, Ralph & Helmer, for helping with the information.

Best wishes,
Rog Nelson

Jeanette Bjørnlund Nielsen

To add:

A map of the area ca. 1816:

Location today is Dorfgade 44, Brønderslev, 9330 Dronninglund

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]
Med venlig hilsen


Roger Nelson

Jeanette,  Mange Tak!
Rog Nelson