Hans Jensen Dam’s first marriage record translation help please

Startet af David Madison, 05 Aug 2014 - 00:31

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David Madison


I need your help with the first marriage record of Hans Jensen Dam.

Hans Jensen Dam's + Bodil's marriage record [Hans' 1st wife]:  30 May 1801, Nexø Kirke, Nexø Sogn, Sønder Herred, Bornholm Amt:   Nexø Sogn Kirkebog 1757-1815, opslag 252a.

I have attache an image of the file for your use.

I would appreciate it if you would first transcribe the record into Danish and then translate it into English.

Thank you for your help with my family research!



[vedhæfting slettet af admin]

Ralph Rasmussen

I read:

Den 30te Maji begærede Ungkarl Hans Jensen og Enken Bodil Kirstine,
Afg: Anders Hansens Lysning for Ægteskab med Forloverne Eric Pedersen
og Rasmus Nielsen, som cavere for Ægtskabets Lovlighed - skiftebeviset
EPS. Erich Pedersen
R.N.S Rasmus Nielsen

May 30, bachelor Hans Jensen and the late Anders Hansen's widow Bodil Kirstine requested reading of the banns for marriage, with guarantors for its permissibility ('legality'), Eric Pedersen and Rasmus Nielsen. The probate certificate was presented.

Their respective initials, filled in by a third party, presumably the pastor.

Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

David Madison