need help with a entry

Startet af Paul Olesen, 13 Jan 2015 - 23:17

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Paul Olesen

Please type out in Danish for me the entry for the marriage of Niels Torchildsen and Else Pedersdatter - Sværdborg, Præstø (13 Nov 1754) Left column, 3rd from bottom. I think they are my 4th great grandparents.

Thank You
Paul Olesen,358801401,359053801,359053802

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]

Paul Olesen

 :-\ Sorry I attached the wrong file.

Ralph Rasmussen

I read:

Underskrevne love for Niels Torkildsen af Snesere
oc Else Pedersdatter at intet lovstridigt vides imod deres
Ægteskab  Sværborg [sic] d 25 Augusti 1754
Hans IenS Hans HanS
Boende begge i Lille Røtt: [Lille Røttinge, Snesere? sogn - Store Røttinge is in Snesere]

Notes at right:
Trolovelsen d 25 Augusti
Tillysning d 18e Søndag efter Trinit:
Vielsen d. 13de Novembr:

Else must be 'serving' in Sværdborg, with both parties originally from Snesere.  The distance from one church to the other 6-7 miles, with only Lundby parish directly between them.

Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Paul Olesen

Thank you and thank you for the information on the distances. That is very helpful.