Skifteprotokol 1786 Urup (Sören Hermansen)

Startet af Philipp Post, 08 Mar 2015 - 16:04

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Philipp Post

Dear all,

I need help transcribing and translating (into German or English) the following Skifteprotokol. As I do not speak Danish I am unfortunately not able to complete this task myself.

Skifteprotokol Urup 1768 - 1818 Scan 152 - 154,22563341

The document is about Søren Hermansen who died in April 1786. He should have just one child living at that time which was Anne Cathrine Sørensdatter (born 1744, married to Søren Nielsen) and also some grandchildren from his died son Niels Sørensen (died 1777 Monbjerg) which were Søren, Anne Cathrine and Niels.

As the document contains 6 pages and is not a very easy read, I do not wish to leave the impression of posting overloaded request here. If some kind member of this forum feels he/she could do it but just against a fee, that is also fine with me.

Thanks in advance and a nice day to all.

Mange tak. Med venlig hilsen

Svar på tysk, engelsk og fransk er også velkommen til mig

Ole Westermann


I have sent you transcription and translation in a personale mail, because it was prototype extensive.


Ole Westermann

.... prototype !!?? extensive.
That's what spelling control can make it to on an Ipad !

Should be pretty extensive !
