Reading Help (Family Niels Jensen - Bodil Thomasdatter)

Startet af Philipp Post, 21 Mar 2015 - 16:12

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Philipp Post

Dear all,

I need some reading help please on the following entries which belong to the family Niels Jensen - Bodil Thomasdatter (married 05.11.1731 in Østbirk)

1) Child (name unreadable) - Christening 14.04.1732

Østbirk, Voer, Skanderborg 1731 - 1756, Scan 13 left page

3 paskedag blef döbt
af Yding Niels Jensens
barn og blef ....

What could be the name of that child?
What is the usual timeframe between birth and christening during that time there? That child does not fit in perfectly well regarding the christening dates (not enough time left to the next below)

2) Jens Nielsen - Christening 14.12.1732

Østbirk, Voer, Skanderborg 1731 - 1756, Scan 10

födt 1732 i Bierck Søgner
2 Advent Sondag...
3 Sondag dito...
Samme dag blef döbt og blef? Monb:[erg]
Niels Jensens barn og blef kaldet
Jens -
... i. Vestbirk
.... Monberg

I cannot read the godparents.

It seems he is a twin with his sister Maren Nielsdatter who is christened the same day but recorded in the other book (other pastor of that parish I think). I would further assume he died before 1734 as then again a Jens Nielsen was christened (re-use of the name). A burial entry does not seem to be existing.

3) Jens Nielsen - Christening 16.05.1734

Østbirk, Voer, Skanderborg 1731 - 1756, Scan 64

Yding Søgner födde 1734

2 Sondag Efter paaske ..
3 Sondag dito blef döbt af Yding N[iels]
Jensen Barn og blef kaldet Jens
Faddern: ...

I cannot read the godparents.

4) Jacob Nielsen - Christening 16.12.1736

Østbirk, Voer, Skanderborg 1731 - 1756, Scan 72

1736 föde i Birk og Yding Søgner

3 Advent Sondag blef döbt af Yding hyrden Niels
Jensens Barn kaldet Jacob, Faddern
Rasmus ...mußen ..., Oluf ...
..., Ostbirk, ... af Yding
... af Monberg

I cannot read the godparents.

5) Niels Jensen (the father of above) - Burial 1739

Østbirk, Voer, Skanderborg 1731 - 1756, Scan 42

Död af i Bierck og Yding Søgner 1735

...? = 18 ... blef begravet Niels Jensen af Yding

I cannot read the date.

I have just listed the persons I need help with. The family had more childs however.

Thanks in advance for any help and have a nice weekend.
Mange tak. Med venlig hilsen

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Ralph Rasmussen

Two parishes, one pastor and two separated series through 1734 - some parts - Lookup 10:

Samme Dag [3ie] blef døbt og af Monb:
Niels Jenssens barn og blef kaldet
Faddere d xx barn
Lauritz Nielss: og Hust: i Wæstbirk
Jens Rasmuss:  Torring, og Sørren
Nielss: Kiærs Hustrue i Monbjærg

13 - 3die paaskedag blef døbt
Af Yding Niels Jensens
Barn og barn og kaldet

Marren [3 fadder 'i Yding']
Jens Nørgaard
Peder Rasmuss:
Niels Rasmuss:
Jens Jenss: i Bussing
Erskol? Sørrens: i Tolstrup

64: 3die Søndag dito blef døbt af ÿding N...
Jensens Barn og blef kaldet Jens
Faderne: Niels Knudsens Hustrue i Nedre Kol?
Peder Rasmuss: Olle Niels: Niels Møller
alle afÿding

Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Ralph Rasmussen

Niels's burial:

Onsdagen d: 18 Febr Blef Begraffen Niels Jenss: af ÿding [month confirmed with Bauers calendar]

Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Philipp Post

Thanks a lot Ralph.

As the unreadable child is "Maren", I tend to believe this is the right one (late christening). I have re-checked the other "Maren" entry in the second book Østbirk, Voer, Skanderborg 1703 - 1750, Scan 45 and am not sure anymore the father is really Niels Jensen (too hard to read)

I have one additional entry with which I am not sure it belongs to the family or not. Unfortunately, in 1736 a second Niels Jensen (from Kattrup however) married Anne Nielsdatter from Yding. So the following child could belong to either family.

Christopher Nielsen - Christening 10.11.1737

Østbirk, Voer, Skanderborg 1731 - 1756, Scan 76

22 Trinit: Sondag Blef döbt af Yding Niels Jen-
sens Barn kaldet Christopher,
faddern ...

I would appreciate help reading the godparents. Maybe that helps to clarify the question.

Mange tak. Med venlig hilsen

Svar på tysk, engelsk og fransk er også velkommen til mig

Ralph Rasmussen

I read:

Faderne Bertold? Sørenss: og Hustrue i Tolstrup
Jens Jenss: og Hustrue i Wissing
Peder Rasmuss: Christoffer Johanss:? Anders
Skræders Hustrue i ÿding

Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Philipp Post

Thanks again Ralph! I will put the last child Christopher to my family. Peder Rasmussen was godparent for Maren and Jens already, where I have no doubts with. Further there were no childs from Niels Jensen after "my" one died anymore in Ostbirk according to the index on I would assume the Niels Jensen from Kattrup had christened his childs at a different location (if he had any).
Mange tak. Med venlig hilsen

Svar på tysk, engelsk og fransk er også velkommen til mig