Transliteration and translation help please.

Startet af George Hawkins, 23 Apr 2015 - 09:40

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George Hawkins

I am wondering if someone would be able to transliterate and/or translate the information about Jens Christiansen in the link. An older half-brother of my great-great grandfather, though it is the mother that I am most interested in, she seems to disappear in Copenhagen some time in the mid 1800s.
På forhånd tak!

Ralph Rasmussen


Jens Christiansen, uægte Søn af
Abelone Kirstine Ebbesen, ægte Datter
af Ebbe Jensen Lindknud af Alke By, Malt
Sogn i Jylland.  Moderen tjente 10 Maane-
der før Barnets Fødsel paa Moinesgaard?,
i Hammelef.  Barnefader: Ungkarl
Christian Petersen, nu i Aastrup.

JC, illegitimate son of AKE, legitimate daughter of EJL, of Alke in Malt parish in Jutland [Ribe amt].  Ten monthe before the birth the mother was working at M..gård in Hammelev parish. [Thus a note that the birth is recorded there, too] The putative father CP, now working in Aastrup village or parish.

The witnesses are from Hammelev. 

Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Bente Wanning

Venlig hilsen
Bente Wanning 
Hjørring amt <Skæve<Voer<Astrup<Åsted sogne
Hals Arkiv 9370
Medlem af DS Danmark -

George Hawkins

Thank you Ralph, and yes, Bente, that is her - can't find her after that though.