
Startet af Ric Rasmussen, 04 Maj 2015 - 07:01

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Ric Rasmussen

What is the date on this entry?  It is the last one on the bottom of the left-hand side.

Fanefjord, Mønbo, Præstø

Ralph Rasmussen

I read: die litania extraordinaria, special prayer day, and equate it with 'store bededag'. As the fourth Friday after Easter 1782, then April 26. There was apparently no even more special prayer day that year.

Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Ric Rasmussen

Thanks, Ralph.

The Family Search record for Kirsten has a christening date of 10 Mar 1782.  Apparently that person read it as Laetare.  However, the entry before is Jubilate (21 April) and the entry after is Exaudi (12 May) so the date of 26 April fits.

Was it common to do a christening on that day even though it was not a Sunday?  Was there a reason to do it that day instead of two days later on Sunday?  Some benefit?


Fanefjord, Mønbo, Præstø

Ralph Rasmussen

The day had no special meaning for the child.  But it was a day with a full church service and a holy day/holiday with some break in an otherwise heavy work load.

Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Ric Rasmussen

Thank you, Ralph.  That has helped correct some dates.
Fanefjord, Mønbo, Præstø