Help please with Christian Friderichsen tax record

Startet af David Madison, 01 Aug 2015 - 21:27

Forrige emne - Næste emne

David Madison


I need your help transcribing and translating a tax register entry.  It is for my ancestor Christian Friderichsen (1731-1810). He lived in Nexø, Bornholm.

First, the Street name appears to be written Broe gade which translates to Bird Street. However, maps of Nexø after that time have the street named Brogade which translates to Bridge Street.  There does not appear to be a bridge and all of the birds have surely vanished by now.  Any thoughts?

I would appreciate it if you would transcribe in Dansk and translate into English the registry entries 134 / 135.

I have attached an image of the record:
A-O Rigsarkivet, Neksø Købstadskommune Taksationsprotokol 1791-1801, opslag 24,31397279

Thank you for your help,


[vedhæfting slettet af admin]

Brian Lauridsen

Bro in this context means that the street was paved/cobbled.
Cobblestones and setts are called brosten in danish.

Eies af Niels Bierrum, beboes af Las Ibs Enke
Owned by N B, occupied by Las Ibs' widow

3 fag Stue og forhuus bindings værk, klinede vægge, straaetag
3 frames, street facing dwelling house, timber-framed, daubed walls, thatched roof.

Charges: 40 / 40 [rigsdaler]

Eies og Beboes af Christian Friderichsen
Owned and occupied by C F

4 fag gl: for og Stue huus bindes værk, klinede vægge, straaetag
4 frames, street facing dwelling house, timber-framed, daubed walls, thatched roof
Not sure what gl: stands for, perhaps gammel - old.

Charges: 30 / 30 [rigsdaler]


David Madison

Hej Brian,

Thanks for your help with this record.

