Record of Karen Jensen

Startet af Ric Rasmussen, 23 Aug 2015 - 21:40

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Ric Rasmussen

Can I get help transcribing this record please.  It is the first one on the right hand side.,357801401,357956501,357986301

This is what I have so far:

Den 9th December hjemmedøbt Jens Mad
sen og Ellen Hans Daatter pigebarn
af Haarbølle, kaldet Karen ? ?
? ? confirmeret Dom 2de p Epiphanis
1785 af ? ? ? ? i Askebye
Test: Mads ? ? ? Hansen
? ? Lars ? ? ?
? ? ? ? alle af Haarbølle

I understand that she was baptized at home on Dec 9th.  My understanding is this was done for children that they were concerned would not make it.  Would that have happened the same day?  In other words, can I confidently assume she was born Dec 9th?


Fanefjord, Mønbo, Præstø

Ralph Rasmussen

I can go this far:

Paa sam͞e [Barn]
blev Daaben confirmeret: Dom 2de p Epiphan
1785 [baaren] af Niels Ols Hustrue Else i Askebye.
Test Mads Lars Sxxx, Ambrosius Hans,
Jürgen Lars, Lars Jens Søn Peder,
Frands? Schxxx [Schovf?] Hustrue An͞e alle af Harbølle

Pigeb 18
den 2de post
Epiphan 1785
[kalenderår] 1784

Cf: other entries on these pages for phraseology.

There appears to have been some urgency to the baptism, but it leaves a day or two of uncertainty.  with this pastor, baptism at home wasn't simply routine.
Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Ric Rasmussen

Fanefjord, Mønbo, Præstø